Progetti Internazionali
PUBLENEF “Supporting Public Authorities for Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies”
Azione di Coordinamento e Supporto finanziata dal programma Europeo H2020 ENERGY (2016-2020)
Persona di contatto
Alessandro Federici (DUEE-SPS-MPE)
The project aimed to assist Member States in implementing effective and efficient sustainable energy policies, energy efficiency and empower them to make use of the best practices and policy processes implemented in other MS at the national, regional and/or local level. Its specific objectives included assessing and learning from existing energy efficiency policy implementation practices in EU countries, regions, and cities; strengthening the networking opportunities for relevant public agencies; developing and adjusting tools for public agencies to help them to implement energy efficiency policies. As PUBLENEF was a highly policy participatory project, it ensured the involvement of key players in all energy efficiency policy making field throughout the EU, energy agencies (and associations of cities and regions) involved in the formulation of energy efficiency policies on the national, regional and local level and building capacity