Progetti Internazionali
LIGHTNESS "Market uptake of citizen energy communities enabLing a hIGH peneTratioN of renewable Energy SourceS"
Azione di coordinamento e supporto finanziata dal Programma Europeo H2020 Energy (2021-2023)
Responsabile scientifico:
Mariagiovanna Gaglione (DUEE SIST SCE),
LIGHTNESS will increase the Renewable Energy hosting capacity, to securely achieve the EU target for 2030 by supporting the market uptake of Citizen Energy Communities, through a turnkey social engagement, regulatory roadmap, low-cost technological package and innovative business models to unlock the full flexibility potential, reduce the final energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and bring economic, social and environmental benefits to the communities and across the energy value chain. LIGHTNESS solution will elaborate and execute ambitious end-users’ engagement plans for the involved sites with continuous iterations and solution adaptation to achieve a direct engagement of households and tertiary buildings and an immediate replication potential that will engage +3000 end-users, professionals, policy makers in EU.
LIGHTNESS will consent a minimum 25% increase of renewable hosting capacity by making available up to 20% of flexibility in peak times from residential and tertiary buildings, and will reduce up to 30% the Prosumers and CECs energy cost and up to 30% of CAPEX and OPEX costs for DSOs. LIGHTNESS consortium has received the support from 59 organizations, 10 EU cities, 9 energy agencies, 9 energy cooperatives, and 3 extra EU replicators from India, Turkey and Africa/America.