Progetti Internazionali
LEAP4SME "Linking Energy Audit Policies to enhance and support SMEs towards energy efficiency"
Azione di coordinamento e supporto finanziata dal programma Europeo HORIZON 2020 Energy (2019-2023)
Persona di contatto:
Enrico Biele (DUEE-SPS-ESE),
LEAP4SME aims to improve the national and local policies in place to encourage SMEs to undertake energy audits and implement the recommended energy-saving measures. As a first stage the existing policies and programmes have been mapped and their strengths and weaknesses identified. The project aims to contribute overcoming the barriers to SMEs in taking up energy audits and will offer a series of recommendations applicable to SMEs policy implementation across the project partner countries and the EU more widely.
Throughout the project, interaction with a range of stakeholders by means of workshops, questionnaires, and meetings, is a key focus of the work. Through these outward engagements project partners will look to build the capacity of, and disseminate project findings to, policymakers and relevant stakeholders at the European, national, and regional levels.