Dipartimento Unità per l'Efficienza Energetica
Agrenzia Nazionale Efficienza Energetica

TunES: Tuning EPC and SRI instruments to deliver full potential

Il logo del progetto

Data inizio: settembre 2023

Data fine: settembre 2025

Funding from the European Union’s LIFE-2022-CET Programme under grant agreement number 101120926.

Persone di contatto: Biagio Di Pietra (), Luca La Notte (), Alessandro Lorenzo Palma () - Dipartimento Unità Efficienza Energetica - ENEA


tunES brings together 7 national Energy Agencies (Austria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovenia), representing 132 million citizens, who will tackle the common challenge of making building energy efficiency and smartness instruments work. Member States (MS) receive technical assistance, support and consulting from 4 research organisations (empirica, University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Lublin University of Technology and Technical University of Denmark), forming the Technical Support Team (TST).

tunES will impact positively on the shortcomings of implementing EPC, SRI, and linked instruments, by structuring work into five building blocks to better collect, share, implement and replicate good practice: Understanding EPC, Upgrading EPC, Databases & Tools, SRI Development & Deployment, and, as horizontal block, Integration of Instruments to maximise harmonisation, coherence and synergies.

Each building block is represented by MS Leaders having implemented good practice. MS Followers design policy options, packages and pathways that will facilitate uptake of good practice. tunES deploys a Technical Support and Assistance Framework based on the EU Better Regulation Guidelines (BRG).

For each stage of the policy design process (inception, data collection, analysis, policy options design, prioritisation, impact assessment, iteration, roll-out planning and throughout stakeholder engagement). Simultaneously and across the building blocks, the TST prepares for the Energy Agencies the necessary methods and tools to safeguard consistency within and across MS.

From the beginning, results on good practice as well as how to apply BRG methods are publicly shared in a guidance. Other MS are invited to apply all or selective methods in-sync with the project. The core outcome are seven national policy measure packages including extensively vetted policy options, with clear impact, stakeholder reaction, and concise actions for realising full national implementations. On the EU-level, a comprehensive guidance strategy allows other stakeholders not only to access use cases but have all tools readily at hand for effective replication.

Il Dipartimento Unità Efficienza Energetica (DUEE) svolge il ruolo di "Agenzia Nazionale per l'Efficienza Energetica" assegnato a ENEA dal D.lgs. n. 115/2008 e intende essere il riferimento nazionale in tema di efficienza energetica nei confronti della Pubblica Amministrazione (centrale e locale), dei cittadini, delle imprese e più in generale del territorio, rendendo disponibili metodologie e soluzioni innovative nonché svolgendo attività di supporto tecnico-scientifico per l’uso efficiente dell’energia, la riduzione dei consumi energetici e l’ottimizzazione dei processi, con forte attenzione alla qualità e alla responsabilità sociale delle scelte operate.
