Dipartimento Unità per l'Efficienza Energetica
Agrenzia Nazionale Efficienza Energetica

EU Peers - European Practitioners for Integrated Home Renovation Services

Il logo del progetto EU Peers - European Practitioners for Integrated Home Renovation Services con dieci quadrati stilizzati in vari colori e il nome del progetto in turchese su sfondo bianco

Data inizio: settembre 2023

Data fine: agosto 2026

Il logo del programma europeo LIFE con quattordici stelle dorate su sfondo blu e a lato la scritta cofinanziato dall'Unione Europea su sfondo bianco

Project co-funded by the European Commission‘s LIFE-2022-CET-HOMERENO - Grant Agreement N.ro 101120790

Persone di contatto:

Francesca Hugony (DUEE-SIST-NORD),

Misceo Monica (DUEE-SIST-SUD),


Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) offer holistic solutions for home renovations and are part of the enabling framework breaking barriers to renovation. The overall objective of EU Peers is to support the development of IHRS as key instruments to accelerating residential energy renovation in the EU.

By creating a European Community of Practice of IHRS practitioner, involving at least 615 members, including 175 IHRS, EU Peers will strengthen and upscale the IHRS concept. The inclusive Community will provide multiple entry points and opportunities to participate in order to provide the maximum benefit to its members. For this purpose, 7 Community platforms, for 6 priority countries (IT, FR, ES, LV, HU, IRE) as well as for other EU countries, will be established. At least 45 exchange & collaboration meetings will take place at national and European level.

The first generation of IHRS will strongly benefit from exchange of experience and convergence to foster residential retrofit. Beside an online knowledge repository and digital collaboration tool to network among peers, EU Peers will offer 3 types of capacity-building, consisting of at least 34 capacity building sessions.

EU Peers will contribute to a faster and better implementation of IHRS models across Europe, providing a start-up aid to at least emerging IHRS initiatives.

The project will advocate for improved framework conditions: European and national policy recommendations will be developed and be subject of 7 public policy debates. EU Peers will tackle improvements in the collaboration among actors along the renovation journey by organising 12 stakeholder dialogues. In addition, a campaign to engage public authorities to support the IHRS deployment in their area will target 150 public authorities across Europe.

Creating a strong effect within the Community and beyond, EU Peers will provide data-based evidence that will illustrate the results and impact of its members and the IHRS movement in general.

Il Dipartimento Unità Efficienza Energetica (DUEE) svolge il ruolo di "Agenzia Nazionale per l'Efficienza Energetica" assegnato a ENEA dal D.lgs. n. 115/2008 e intende essere il riferimento nazionale in tema di efficienza energetica nei confronti della Pubblica Amministrazione (centrale e locale), dei cittadini, delle imprese e più in generale del territorio, rendendo disponibili metodologie e soluzioni innovative nonché svolgendo attività di supporto tecnico-scientifico per l’uso efficiente dell’energia, la riduzione dei consumi energetici e l’ottimizzazione dei processi, con forte attenzione alla qualità e alla responsabilità sociale delle scelte operate.
